S2E6: NETWORK! feat. Rachel Mullins

This week, we speak with Rachel Ann Mullins, a model/actress/producer who knows her way around a Hollywood set. Her journey to the screen started with a bit of paranormal activity and some good luck, but it’s propelled by her insatiable drive.

Rachel shares her hilarious and insightful tales of going from one project to the next and how she used her research skills online to seek out the people worth knowing to earn her the opportunities that have led to her expansive career.

From reality shows to #MeToo podcast, with Playboy shoots and more in between, you’ll be inspired and entertained as you join Rachel on this crazy ride!

To learn more about Rachel Mullins, follow her on Twitter or Instagram.

As always, this episode features the following music: Aspire by Scott Holmes, and Purple Light by Blue Dot Sessions.

Listen to Episode 18 and read the full time-stamped transcript below or tune in on the following podcast platforms:

Apple Podcasts, iTunes, Google Play, Google Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, Stitcher, Soundcloud, Podbean, PlayerFM and Blubrry.

Enjoy the episode and remember to Create & Connect!

Rachel Mullins

Rachel Mullins


Making your way in the entertainment industry isn’t easier, but the more people you know, the better. Producer and model Rachel Mullins walks us through her crazy path to LA and how networking is her greatest work.

Full Transcript

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